
Goldopenaccess(OA)iswhereanarticleorbookchapterispublishedimmediatelyasOAinanonlinejournalorbook.Incontrast,greenopenaccessis ...,GoldOpenAccessinjournals.ManyofourjournalspublisharticlesasGoldOpenAccess,underCreativecommons(CC)licences,enablingreaderstofreely ...,2023年12月11日—Goldopenaccessreferstothefirstpublicationofscholarlyworksasarticlesinopenaccessjournals,asopenaccessmonographs, ...,...

Gold open access and green open access

Gold open access (OA) is where an article or book chapter is published immediately as OA in an online journal or book. In contrast, green open access is ...

Gold open access journals

Gold Open Access in journals. Many of our journals publish articles as Gold Open Access, under Creative commons (CC) licences, enabling readers to freely ...

Green and Gold

2023年12月11日 — Gold open access refers to the first publication of scholarly works as articles in open access journals, as open access monographs, ...

Green or Gold routes to open access

We believe Gold OA publication offers the simplest most open and most sustainable route to OA and open science and research. Springer Nature is delighted to ...

OA Publishing (Gold OA)

8 天前 — Publishing your work in OA provides unrestricted access and reuse of your research outputs even without a subscription to journal packages.

What are the gold and green open access publishing options?

Gold OA means that the final published version of your article (or Version of Record) is permanently and freely available online for anyone, anywhere to read.

什麼是Gold OAGreen OA?

Green OA(自我或機構典藏):指開放取用典藏,將尚未投稿著作或已投稿著作之非刊出版本,以電子形式儲存公開於機構典藏(如本院RPIS系統即收錄同仁文獻著作典藏)或個人 ...


發表「開放取用」文章分成「黃金OA」與「綠色OA」兩種管道,「黃金OA」直接將著作發表於以電子形式出版,且可方便、自由、免費取用全文的出版物上,即開放取用期刊(Open ...


一是稱為Gold OA publishing,即出版商直接讓期刊文章、書籍、研究成果在出版時,就開放給所有人免費取用;出版費用由研究者(作者)支付,以支持稿件處理、網路刊登、學術 ...


由 柯皓仁 著作 — OA,而Gratis OA只將權利釋放到閱讀層級。一般最常被提及的模式是Gold OA及Green. OA,更經常以「金科」與「玉律」稱之。 一、Gold OA(金科):Gold OA期刊定義為該 ...